Purdue acronyms
If you haven't noticed, Purdue has a number of acronyms. We have complied a list to help decipher common Purdue acronyms/terms.
- AAMB: All-American Marching Band
- BGR: Boiler Gold Rush - an optional (but highly regarded!) week-long orientation that begins on August 15 and runs through the start of classes. BGRi is our orientation for international students
- CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services
- CCO: Center for Career Opportunities
- Co-Curricular Learning: Co-curricular refers to activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school—i.e., experiences that are connected to or mirror the academic curriculum. Co-curricular activities are typically, but not always, defined by their separation from academic courses.
- CODO: Change of Degree Objective - changing majors
- CoRec: France A. Cordova Recreational Sports Center - the gym
- DFA: Division of Financial Aid
- DRC: Disability Resource Center
- FYE: First Year Engineering
- HICKS: Undergraduate Library (literally underground) outside of Stewart Center
- HSSE: Humanities, Social Sciences and Education Library (Pronounced: Hiss-see). A lot of libraries/building codes could be used on this, but HSSE is a campus landmark
- ISS: International Students and Scholars
- LC: Learning Communities
- ODOS: Office of the Dean of Students
- OPP: Office of Professional Practice, which manages our co-op program
- PAA: Purdue Alumni Association (their student organization is PASE, Purdue Alumni Student Experience)
- PFM: Purdue’s for Me - our admitted student event
- PMO: Purdue Musical Organizations
- PMU: Purdue Memorial Union
- PUID: Purdue University ID number
- PUDM: Purdue University Dance Marathon
- PUSH: Purdue University Student Health Center
- RA: Resident Assistant
- REC: Resident Education Coordinator
- SA: Study Abroad
- WALC: Wilmeth Active Learning Center